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No regrets! 5 tips to help you get a comfortable fit.

No two are the same. Each of your feet is made of up 26 bones – 25% of the bone structure of the entire body! And, each of your feet is unique. The combination of foot length, width and especially arch length make up what is unique to your feet. Ask your footwear specialist to measure both of them. Likely one of them is slightly larger or wider than the other, so always ensure you try both shoes on and that the “fit” for the larger or wider of your 2 feet is correct and comfortable.
- Breathing room. You always want room for your toes to be able to move as this helps circulation and flexibility. Safety footwear doesn’t stretch, so when you try them on, be sure you have
- Heel boy! Your heels should fit snugly but not tightly in the footwear when laced up. If your heel pulls out of the shoe as you walk in it, it’s too loose. Besides comfort, loose shoes or boots will also leave you more open to slips, trips and falls … and injuries.
- Dress for success. Be sure to bring, wear or purchase the type and/or thickness of socks you’ll be wearing on the job when you get fit for safety shoes. This can have a big impact on fit and will take the guess work out of making sure get it.
- AM/PM. If you can, get fit for your safety shoes in the afternoon as standing on your feet during the day will change your foot volume and you want to ensure your fit and comfort are the same then as it would be in the morning when your foot volume is lower. If you are getting fitted into the morning, be aware that your feet do swell during the course of the day, so tight fitting shoes in 9 AM will feel even tighter at 3 PM!